Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Recipe day

I invented a new recipe the other night. Mostly, I was just trying to come up with something for dinner as quickly as possible without going to the store. And we were out of almost everything. I thought I'd share it with you, since it turned out quite delicious. Sorry there aren't any pictures!

Bacon-Mushroom Alfredo
parmesan cheese
noodles of some kind - I used a package of cheese tortellini from Trader Joe's

In a large skillet, cook the bacon 
Remove bacon to a plate and wrap it in paper towels
Pour off most of the bacon grease, but leave about 1/2 cup in the pan (I'm totally guessing on all the amounts, I didn't measure anything)
Add about 1/2 a stick of butter to the pan (did I mention this meal is super-duper healthy?)
When butter is melted, add about 1/2 cup (or less?) milk
Add sliced mushrooms until they soften a bit
Add a generous amount of parmesan cheese
At this point, you'll just keep cooking and stirring and adding the cheese until it comes to a thickish, alfredo-ey consistency
Crumble in the bacon, salt and pepper to taste
Pour over the noodles, which you probably needed to start cooking sometime near the beginning.
Eat it all, and forget about taking pictures, because it's not a pretty meal, just a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Aargh! This sounds really good. Lydia and Sophia just made alfredo for me the other night; how many days have to go by before we make it again??
