Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy {president's} Monday!

I was going to take lots of pictures of my weekend in Aspen. I was going to show you the pretty little town, the gorgeous mountains, the adorable snow sculptures, the good food, and the fabulous company.
Unfortunately, I didn't.
It was toooo cold to take my gloves off for even one second to snap pictures! I took ONE picture:
Here you can see my in-laws strolling along, some of the pretty brick street, the twinkling lights, and a snow elephant. Also a man in bright green ski pants. 
But aside from being super duper cold, we had a blast hanging around with our parents, shopping in the extra snooty shops, admiring tons and tons of fur, eating, hot-tubbing, and coffee drinking. 
Now we're back home, my mother-in-law is in a week-long class, Phillip and his dad are working on the car, and I'm drinking more coffee. 
I hope your weekend was warmer than mine!
Happy President's Day! 

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