Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Busy, busy week

                                                                     Source: vogueandcoffee.tumblr.com via Daniella on Pinterest

Oh my goodness, here it is almost Wednesday again and I haven't posted a single thing! I'm so sorry!
I've had company galore, including a last minute visit from my brother and then my husband's sister! And, while I planned to blog faithfully this week, I've been a busy bee! Yesterday, my sister-in-law and I drove up to Boulder for lunch and got gloriously lost in Bloomfield while looking for the offices of a temp agency where I had an interview. Then we wandered around the mall and looked at all of the expensive things we couldn't buy. We came home, went to dinner and delicious frozen yogurt with Phillip, and finally met up with Ashely's husband Rob for a quick chat before they had to go back to their hotel for the night. Today I spent most of the day cleaning my grandmother's house for a party she's throwing tomorrow. I also made a gluten-free chocolate zucchini cake from a huge zucchini my parents-in-law gave me! Phillip and I also went for a long walk with the dog tonight and I spent a long time on the phone with automated customer service machines trying to sort out some unwanted activities on my bank card (that I haven't used in about 6 months.)
Considering the slow pace of my normal everyday life, I've been incredibly busy these last few weeks! I'm pooped! But I have another interview tomorrow, and maybe I'm not ready for another job, because I don't really want to go anywhere! But maybe, by tomorrow, I'll feel differently! If I could look as glamorous as this picture, I'm sure I'd have the greatest interview of all time!


  1. How fun to have all the company! Even though they are work, it is so much fun. :)

    I will be praying for the bank account to be OK and the job. Do keep us updated on the job! I know how you feel. I don't want to get a job, but I do need to be doing something! And hey! That paycheck is pretty nice. :D

    (But I would much rather stay at home.....)

  2. I had a great time hanging out with you too and getting lost in "Stepford" lol
    BTW I have no idea how one would walk in those shoes that model is wearing! There is no heel!
