Monday, June 7, 2010

The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades

This weekend, I was remided that, even when something happens to completely change how you thought your future would be, God is still there shaping and opening possibilities. He just might be using something that seems terrible and sad to fulfill the desires of our hearts.
Phillip and I had some news a couple of weeks ago that was actually pretty scary. It meant that the whole course of our lives, the path we were on, might have to change dramatically, and soon. (and NO, I'm NOT pregnant!! ;) We were praying fervently for God's will in the situation, but deep down, I just wanted life to go back to "normal."
On Friday, we got more news that I believe really was an answer to our prayers. Life can't exactly go back to just the way we planned, but I am positive that God's plan will eventually bring even bigger and better things to us. His direction in our lives is often gentle and subtle, but sometimes it is like a big shove in a new direction that will eventually take us to where He wants us to be. We just have to be willing to see those shoves for what they are: His loving hand guiding us.
I am nervous but excited for where we are now headed, and would really appreciate your prayers as we seek new opportunities. I'm really sorry this is all so vague. I can't really go into any details, but for now you can know that we aren't moving far away or changing our day to day lives too dramatically. Its just that God is forcing us to explore new and exciting posibilities, and while changes are often scary and a little bit sad, I know that the future is bright and beautiful.
God is showing me every day that He really is there, listening to even my unformed prayers. He knows my deepest heart, my thoughts and desires, and is actively seeking to bring good into my life.
I am so grateful.

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